I started this blog a few years ago but didn’t finish it and it was lost in my writing files.
This morning, I ran across it while sorting my writing files. The memory of it is much more humorous now after time has gone by than in the moment of it. If you’re a Granger, you’ll find it even fitting with National Grange just around the corner.
The gatekeeper replied a second time in a hushed annoying tone, “The Word?” At this my heart began beating so loud it was like thunder rolling in my ears and my face was flushing into deep shades of crimson colors.
Once I had learned “The Word” I had repeated it time and time again out loud to myself. Usually while doing cow chores over the past few months. I had even made up a silly cheer song in which to remember it by.
When I had obtained my 5th and 6th degrees at State Grange a few months ago they had said how important “The Word” was if you were going to gain entrance through the doors at National Grange’s 7th degree ceremony. I had not taken this information lightly. I was no spring chicken. Perhaps that was the problem. Maybe I was too old to retain new information?
No. I had been given “The Word” in secret by a mentor Granger to gain entrance at the State Grange’s 5th and 6th degree ceremony. And it had worked and that was only a few months ago.
The cows had raised their heads, and you could almost see the distain on their faces, and the rolling of their eyes at me as I had sung my made-up cheer song to them repeatedly in those few long months. “I’m a Granger D-E-T-E-R-M-I-N-E-D to remember the word determined. Yes, I’m D-E-T-E-R-M-I-N-E-D to get the highest Grange degree. Go determined, yes, yes, yes!”
Now, at the “gate”, well the entrance doors into the 7th degree ceremony at National Grange in Sparks Nevada. Surrounded by the glitzy lights and the snazzy outfits that were everywhere, a place where my cheer would have fit right in. Well, laugh out loud, maybe not!
The gatekeeper on the entrance doors was a tall and burly guy who even though his arms weren’t crossed sounded just as firm without as he asked me again, “The Word?” and as I said, “determined” again and he shook his head almost rolling his eyes at me just as the cows had. I was certain he was going to bounce me right out of the lavish and ornate event hall. Later I wouldn’t even be able to tell a tall tale about being bounced for being wild and crazy!
Out of thin air a familiar voice was whispering a mind twister in my ear and if I could answer it then I would have the correct “word” because the word determined was only the yearly word for State Grange! Really? I had paid close attention to the 5th and 6th degree work and ceremony, and I could not recall having heard that. The poor cows. They had listened to that silly cheer for months needlessly. I wouldn’t tell them and no one else could either 😊
Thank you, Martha! I will never forget your graciousness at helping a Granger newbie. I’m so happy that you like so many other Grangers from all over the Nation have become friends of mine and I hope one day I can pay your kindness forward to another newbie.
I looked way up at the gatekeeper (because I’m short) one last time and met his eyes that appeared to be screaming, “Are you going to get it this time?” and yet he asked me one last time, “The Word?” This time I answered correctly with, “______,” and he made the signal with his hand that I could enter. Yep, he didn’t even open the door for me. No balloons or glitter fell from the ceiling like it does in prize shows. No fanfare yelled, “YAY”. It was a quiet memorious moment for me to remember with a chuckle once it was over.
If the cows had been there on either side of me like when I stand in the feeder chucking out their hay they would have at least swung their heads from side to side saying, “You did it Amateur Cow Whisperer, you don’t need a code with us, we love you,” and with the swaying of their heads the hay mucous spit would fly through the air slapping me on the back. That would have been good because on most days it hits me in the face…
Life is too short. Try new things. Treasure the one’s you love. Laugh daily (even at yourself)!
👍 perfect in fact. Should read during Lecturer’ program
You’ll be happy to know I sent it up to NG News!
Such a gift you have in your writing, I read this and feel I am part of the story. Especially the hay mucous flying! 😂😂
The hay mucous flies more often than not when in the cattle feeder!
Good one Claudine! Made me chuckle! Fun blog!
I’m always happy to make someone chuckle!